Monday, June 7, 2010

Long Time No Post

Wow, keep up a blog is a lot harder than I thought! Since my last post, I have been really busy. When I decided to start documenting my culinary experiences, I was an injured runner who had plenty of free time! With the inability to run, I was able to devote many nights creating different concoctions. Realizing that there are other forms of exercise besides running, I decided to take on the practice of yoga. Starting in late April, I have been going to yoga 3-4 times a week. On top of that, my injury has healed and I started running again! Between yoga, running and work, time is starting to get pretty limited!

With all of that said, I made a promise to myself to dedicate one night a week to cooking. So, what kind of recipes are in the works? Currently, I am working on a creamy pesto sauce, a chocolate mint cheesecake, and a new spin on corn flake potatoes!

To all the die hard readers of this blog (...well hoping there are some die hard readers out there!), stay tuned as there is plenty cooking still to come!